- Book flights 3 months in advance for short haul or 6/9 months for long haul to get the cheapest available flight
- Use the following travel search engines Trip.com or Skyscanner.co.uk
- Use the calendar to check pricing
- Try not to travel in July or August
- For long haul flights, travel on a Wednesday
- Primark sell 100ml bottles to transfer liquids in or you can get 100ml liquids at Superdrug 3for2. Depends where you're going as it can be cheaper to buy in final destination
-Cabin Bag Baggage 40x25x20cm
- Roll your clothes, you can fit more in your luggage
- Use EasyBus to get the cheapest bus fare to the airport
You can take and prepare food at home before the flight at home, as long as it's not liquids
- Once past Aiport Secuity, Boots sell the cheapest drinks or you can get deal of soda (3 for £6.00)
- Want to take more on the aircraft? Grab yourself a plastic bag from any shop in the airport lounge
- Trip.com or Skyscanner.co.uk to book flights
- Easybus to get to the airport
- Klook if you want to book a local tour
- Map out on Google Maps where you want to visit it in that city before you leave.
- Most cities offer free walking tours but you just need to provide a tip at the end
- Restaurant Advisor app to view the best restaurants in the city you're visiting
- Download the local transport app